Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some very special evenings for Women coming up at 18k !

Ladies mark your calendars for these wonderful opportunities to learn and be inspired.... and to honor some exceptional women.

Monday Jan 9th: 6:30-8:30pm, 15th Teves at 18k
Remembering Chanie" an evening in loving memory of Chanie Walfish at 18k
Advance reservations only: Call 845 352-9265

Cheder Chabad's Evening of Achdus and Song at 70 Highview Rd with Channale Fellig , Esther Freeman and Monsey's own Kol Isha choir. Promises to be a wonderful exciting event for the Women of the community to just relax and enjoy great music and be together.The MC will be the inspiring and incredible Leah Rubashkin. To book call 718-757-9149

Interactive Tu b Shvat Seder with Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum of Berot Bat Ayin at 18k
Torah Teachings on the Mystical and Medicinal Properties of the Land of Israel.
Feb 7th at 7:30pm.
To reserve your spot: call (845) 402-818k